Our Company Journey

From Mortality Review to Personal and Organizational Resilience

Foundational Roots at the Mayo Clinic

Our origins in Mortality Review

Mortality Review

HB Healthcare Safety® and it’s solutions originated from lessons learned over the course of fourteen years through the development and evolution of the Mayo Clinic Mortality Review System (MRS). 

After several years of frustration over the lack of change that arose from counting and trending adverse events using the Global Trigger Tool, our co-founder Jeanne Huddleston, MD, MS, and Mayo Clinic colleagues started performing mortality reviews. After reviewing 100 consecutive deaths, it was discovered that 30 patients had Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs) and 0 patients had OFIs previously recorded from traditional sources. 

These findings were meaningful in that the data was actionable, measurable, and improvable. A combination of actionable data and meaningful stories led to immediate action from leadership.

Every Life Matters

Mortality was a great place to start our journey of meaningful learning. However, we expanded our efforts after Mayo Clnic’s CQO asked the mortality review team, “when can we start learning from the living? Do you think some patients are surviving in spite of us?”

We realized then that the MRS methodology could be used to learn from any “problem” patient cohort (eg., readmissions or sepsis). This evolution eventually became what we now offer as the Safety Learning System® (SLS) at HBHS.

What separates the Safety Learning System® from MRS is that SLS can be used to review any cohort of interest. What remains the same is our guiding principle:

“No one should ever suffer or die as the result of process or system failures”

Starting A Company
that Gives Back

A Social
Benefit Corp.

HB Healthcare Safety®, SBC was founded through Mayo Clinic Ventures by Dr. Jeanne M. Huddleston and Lacey A. Hart. We chose to register as a Social Benefit Corporation to help reduce prices for you while enabling us to give back by donating a portion of our profits to charity annually.

What does the ‘HB’ stand for? Honey Badger! That’s right, Africa’s most fearless animal despite it’s small size. For us, the Honey Badger has come to exemplify the qualities of a determined leader willing to do the hard work so that caregivers can get back to what they do best: taking care of others. 

Founding of Hope to Healing

Embarking on a Partnership

Hope to Healing

HBHS was split in 2022 with our co-founder, Lacey Hart, leaving to start a non-profit foundation of healing for caregiving professionals. Hope to Healing dedicates it’s resources to helping caregivers of all industries find the personal resiliency to remain in their fields with renewed enthusiasm.

Unlike many services around burnout or labor shortages, Hope to Healing works to provide resiliency coaching backed by caregiver neuroscience and Christian foundations.


The burnout crisis among healthcare professionals was nothing new before the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation was only exacerbated by the crisis and created permanent trauma for healthcare professionals. 

The need for personal and organizational resiliency is needed now more than ever. That’s why Hope to Healing was created separately. HBHS can now focus on organizational resiliency while Hope to Healing can dedicate time to personal healing.

Looking Within & Beyond Healthcare

The Future Vision of Our Company

HB Healthcare Safety® has expanded it’s horizons to identify the sources of harm in other industries like corrections. Our current healthcare Collaborative has also expanded into Veterans Affairs health systems providing us the unique opportunity to serve this honorable population of patients. 

Our solutions of continuous organizational learning, systems review methodology, and actionable insight technology allow for all industries to harness systems engineering and HRO principles for improving care and safety to mitigate risk and harm.


Our Safety Learning System® Collaborative of healthcare professionals will continue to grow in number, discover new opportunities for patients, and implement innovative solutions with medical institutions.


We have recently created a Corrections Safety Learning System® Collaborative we hope to expand into a flourishing group of correctional and mental health facilities dedicated to improving care and safety.

Want to join us on this awesome journey?

Get in touch and we'll get you started!