Healthcare Safeware®

Discover your organization's actionable insights

Designed by Frontline Staff
For Frontline Staff

Healthcare Safeware® is a Service as a Software (SaaS) solution created to support the Continuous Organizational Improvement, Innovation and Learning (COI2L™️) lifecycle. It is designed to learn from frontline experiences by providing a place for the findings to be recorded, aggregating data, and creating visualizations of the data. The output of the registry includes measurable and discrete findings to create actionable information.

The system is designed for frontline staff to review cases with our built-in frontline-derived healthcare event nomenclature. This allows for hidden Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs) in care to be identified, recorded and reported with greater accuracy.


Issues present in care delivery during the case review process. Findings are put directly into Healthcare Safeware®.


Issues identified through multi-disciplinary and -specialty case discussions to target findings with the software later on.


Case review findings through Cluster and Common Thread Analysis supported by the software.


Knowledge dissemination is facilitated by the software to spread actionable insights across your entire organization.


Enjoy a user-friendly interface that helps reviewers stay focused on cases and guides administrators through the COI2L™️ lifecycle. 

Enterprise Integration

Healthcare Safeware® can be integrated across any number of regions and facilities across your system. 

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor authentication is now available for advanced patient information security. Non-PHI versions of the software are available.

Limitless Research

Study any patient cohort of interest as needed. The system will evolve and change priorities with you. The only limit is your own imagination! 

Own Your Data

Experience Superior Benefits

We Provide Real Solutions

what can we do for you?

System Configuration

Healthcare Safeware® can be customized to you with enterprise integration across any number of regions and facilities.

Dashboards & Workflows

The system offers workflow support to facilitate & manage our clinically validated process for case reviews.

Security & Hosting

The Healthcare Safeware® production environment is hosted on its own dedicated Virtual Private Cloud.

Team Engagement

Healthcare Safeware® gives administrators the ability to track and communicate with their reviewers in real time.

Data Analysis & Reporting

The system hosts a variety of reporting and data export features from bar graphs to pareto charts to help you visualize your data.

Coaching & Training

Healthcare Safeware® has a wealth of coaching & training materials available in its easily accessible resource library.

Our Competitors

Only the Best
When Compared
to the Rest

We strive to help organizations on their journey towards becoming a High Reliability Organization with established learning health systems. As a result, we are the ONLY systems improvement technology with an embedded organizational learning methodology and standardized frontline-derived healthcare event nomenclature. 

The competitor analysis is accurate as of February 2024. 

Utilize Meaningful Data

The Value of a
Central Registry

Meet Our Innovative Users

Trusted by Hospitals & health Systems

Tony Calabria


“We are identifying opportunities that, because there was no negative impact on the patient, may not have ever been recorded or reported.”

Patty Atkins


“We are able to share those secrets to performance improvement that are not typical but the high, hard things to improve.”

Shira Wolf


“Using SLS has allowed me to leverage the engineering principles that I want to teach in a way that is already packaged for clinicians.”

Want to preview our technology?

Get in touch and we'll set up a demo!