Education, Coaching, & Training

Start on a Journey of Meaningful Learning with HBHS

We're Here to Help You Every 
Step of the Way

HB Healthcare Safety® will work closely with your organization to develop a personalized education, training, and coaching (ETC) program for your organization. These services will help your organization to better implement and carry out the Safety Learning System® and Continuous Organizational Innovation, Improvement, and Learning (COI2L™️) solutions for quality improvement.

From the very first steps of recruiting your SLS team to disseminating case review findings after months of reviews, HBHS will be with you every step of the way! All Education, Coaching, and Training (ETC) options will be offered through a combination of online coursework with our Learning Management System (Thinkific), virtual calls on Microsoft Teams, and virtual office hours when necessary.


Learn why a systems engineering approach is needed, how to adopt systems thinking, and your personal 'why' in doing this work.


Gain certification in our 7-step case-review methodology and learn to talk about the toughest cases among colleges across your organization.


Admins and SLS leadership will be offered coaching on change management, data analysis, and intentional knowledge dissemination.

ETC Options for Collaborative Members

SLS Online Training for 2024

Site Admin Training

4-5 one-hour sessions scattered throughout ETC Program

Format: Prerequisite online courses through Thinkific & Microsoft Teams Calls

Case Reviewer Training

1.5 Hours

Format: Prerequisite online courses through Thinkific & Microsoft Teams Calls

Committee Leadership Facilitation Training

Two 1 hour sessions

Format: Prerequisite online courses through Thinkific & Microsoft Teams Calls

Cluster & Common Thread Initiation Pt 1

1-1.5 hours

Format: Microsoft Teams Call for large groups; breakout rooms for small groups; homework for each site; office hours provided between training sessions.

Cluster & Common Thread Resolution Pt 2

1-1.5 hours 

Format: Microsoft Teams Call for large groups; breakout rooms for small groups. 

Intentional Knowledge Dissemination Pt 1

1 hour

Format: Microsoft Teams Call for large groups; breakout rooms for small groups; homework for each site; office hours provided between training sessions. 

Intentional Knowledge Dissemination Pt 2

2 sessions, 1 hour each 

Format: Microsoft Teams Call for large groups; breakout rooms for small groups.

SLS Leadership Making Meaningful Change

1.5 hours

Format: Microsoft Teams Call for large groups; breakout rooms for small groups.

Understand the Basics


Thinkific serves as our Learning Management System. It hosts a wide variety of online courses that will give you the foundational knowledge of our solutions and your responsibilities in making them come to life at your organization.

Get Personalized Instruction

Virtual Calls

Virtual calls over Microsoft Teams will be held for all training sessions listed above to cover more specialized course material. Personalized instruction will be given depending on your needs. 

Dive into the Details

Virtual Office Hours

Virtual office hours are offered for organizations that are in transition periods or have been given homework. These office hours are the time to meet one-on-one and get answers on the smallest of details.

Can you imagine care services free from harm?

Start on your journey towards care free
from harm today!