Veterans Affairs Collaborative

Honoring the Lives and Health of our Veterans

Our Pursuit to Honor
the Lives of Our Veterans

The Veterans Affairs Safety Learning System® (VA SLS) Collaborative is a growing community of VA healthcare systems moving beyond mortality review and simply counting and trending adverse events. We are defining, measuring, and improving those processes of care and system failures that contribute to the suffering and harm of our veterans and healthcare providers. 

This is more than just a research and learning collaborative. This is a community of practicing providers and quality staff who seek to create a safe space for healthcare workers to research and create practical, meaningful, and lasting change for our honorable population of veterans to live happier and healthier lives as civilians.

Our Safety Learning System®, along with our Continuous Organizational Innovation, Improvement, and Learning (COI2L™️) framework, will allow your organization to: 


Where your organization can improve in care by discovering and classifying Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs).


From identified Opportunities for Improvement to develop meaningful, right-size, and cost-effective quality improvement projects.


Lessons learned from case review and MultiLens Discussion as broadly as possible to help frontline staff improve care in daily practice.

Opportunities to Collaborate

The VA SLS Collaborative provides

Case Review Training

Members will receive training on our proven 7-step case review method and system engineering approaches for implementing lasting change.

Access to Technology

Members will receive customized access to our web-based central registry (Healthcare Safeware®) to gain actionable insights on their case review findings.

Benchmarking & Webinars

Members have the opportunity to receive annual benchmarking reports on collaborative learning and participate in monthly webinars with other members.

Organizational Learning

Members will receive coaching to complete the Continuous Organizational Innovation, Improvement, and Learning (COI2L™️) lifecycle for change.

Research & Publications

Members have the opportunity to share data and improvement projects within scientific publications and collaborative presentations.

Hope & Healing Resources

Members have the option to provide personal resiliency training through our partnership with Hope & Healing to find purpose and value in their work.

Want to help veterans receive safer care?

Get in touch and we'll get you started!